As the economy grows, so does the need for mortgages. The alliance Group Mortgage Protection Insurance provides insurance to cover mortgages. In the event of death or total permanent disability of the borrower, the policy pays the outstanding amount at the time of death or the lending institution or organization. This cover is ideal for individuals taking loans for housing purposes from a financial Institution or employees of organizations who have access to housing loans.
- Death Benefit
- In case of Death of a borrower, Alliance Life shall pay the outstanding loan amount plus due interest.
- Funeral Benefit (Principal Member)
- A lump sum payment to help the family with burial arrangement expenses
- Funeral Benefit (Spouse)
- A lump sum payment to help the family with burial arrangement expenses
- Total Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit
- In case of Total Permanent Disability (TPD) of the borrower, Alliance Life shall pay the outstanding loan amount plus due interest after receiving all the claim documents